Making sure that we maintain all parts of our health and body is important because one cannot function without the other. If you have started to notice that there is a constant discomfort while putting on your shoes, or if you are noticing that your foot is starting to develop nodules on either side, you may be developing bunions. A bunion, although common, can be a frustrating foot condition to deal with. However, with the right care strategies and some diligence on your part, most people can manage their bunions well. At Beyond Podiatry, we offer treatments to help you manage your foot health. Contact our office today to see how.
What Causes Bunions?
While there isn’t a specific reason behind why bunions tend to form, experts believe that certain foot types make a person more prone to developing them. Bunions can form if you constantly wear shoes that are too narrow and crowd the feet. This is why women tend to develop bunions more often than men; many women’s shoes have narrow toe boxes. High heels can make matters worse by forcing the toes even deeper into the narrowed tip. Other causes may be, flat feet, trauma to the foot, Inflammatory arthritis, and family genetics.

Signs of Bunions
Bunions form when your big toe gets pushed into your smaller toes, which usually occurs when you frequently wear snug-fitting shoes. Over time, your toe joint starts to change shape and permanently gets “stuck” in that crooked position. Pain and stiffness associated with a bunion can become severe enough to force a change in your gait. Before your bunion progresses, it’s important to start treatment to prevent further issues.
How Are Bunions Treated?
Most men and women who develop bunions get relief through a tailored treatment plan. If your bunion pain is severe or persistent and/or diminishing your overall daily functioning/quality of life, discuss options for surgery with your doctor. The goal of bunion-reducing surgery is to alleviate bunion pain and deformity. Depending on your specific symptoms, your bunion treatment at Beyond Podiatry can include:
- Custom shoe orthotics
- Surgery
- Padding, taping, or splinting
- Changes in footwear
- Pain medications